I am behind on these pictures. Tomorrow I think I will show you a couple pictures of me so you can see how HUGE I am getting and how much I grew in one month. Actually not quite a month but close.
Halloween night wasn't quite what we had planned. Crazy me had to go to the mall to look for a book that I would love to be able to read before the baby is born. For some crazy reason the Antelope Valley Mall does not have a bookstore. Can you believe it. Plus, I didn't know that the mall had a planned trick or treat night Halloween night with all the stores. Oh, what a mad house. I am just going to show pictures and let you enjoy instead of telling all the stuff that went wrong for me. Enjoy!!!
I honestly don't remember taking this picture. I wonder if it was Daddy.
Wyatt and JoAnna (my niece) Cody was refusing to take pictures.
Finally Cody got close enough to get a group picture. Gotta love those reflective armbands.
This is the boys walking down the street. They both were upset about a few things so it did make it rough in the beginning to get some trick-or-treating done.
The gang leaving a house. Gotta love those hand signs the boys are always throwing.
My dad being himself. :) I am so glad they were able to come. The boys adore my parents.
Yep, this is my family. Can you believe I am as "normal" as I am growing up with this? :)
Okay, what you don't see is that my dad was the first one to do this so the kids had to get in there too.
"Bobbing for candy" :D
Look, he got something. I think he kept his head in there until he got something.
JoAnna, she is such a ham. She is definitely her mother's daughter :D
All in all it was a great night. We only went around our neighborhood and it was more than enough candy for the boys and we were able to get rid of all the candy we bought for trick or treating. Plus, what is better than spending any holiday with family. I am so glad that we got to share this occassion with my parents, my niece and my grandmother. It is awesome.

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