Monday, April 12, 2010

Our Saturday

Saturday, the 10th, we spent with my family.  It was a fun filled day of eating out and playing games.  We first went to an "all you can eat" pizza place with games (kinda like Chuck E. Cheese) but with more and better food, called "John's Incredible Pizza" for lunch.  The boys love the games so much that they didn't want to eat the pizza before playing games.  They did want the ice cream you can get though.
Of course the grown-ups had to participate in the games as well.  My parents joined us for this wonderful adventure.
Garrett was none impressed with the whole noisy, lunch atmosphere.  Of course he didn't get to enjoy the food or the games either.
It was at "John's" that Cody so boisterously announced that he had a loose tooth.  He couldn't have been more excited to find this out since he has been checking his teeth for about a year waiting for one to fall out.
After lunch we ran a few errands, as usual for a Saturday.  Spent a bit of time with my sister and her family before heading to a nice restaurant for dinner.

We went to dinner at "Steer n Stein" which is usually a really awesome restaurant but don't ask Jason what he thought of his meal, or me for that matter.  The salad was good  :D  We had dinner as a huge family of 13 for my Grandmother's 92nd birthday which was Sunday the 11th.  Besides the food it was an awesome time with family. 
During dinner, or waiting for our food, Cody announced that he had lost his tooth, after playing with it since he found out it was loose.
After dinner was a not so quiet (of course with my family it never is  :D ) time with the whole family (that is in California) at my parents house to have something birthday bread.  My grandmother's favorite cake is German Chocolate cake.  My mom found a recipe for German Chocolate bread.  Oh, it was wonderful and I need to get the recipe.
When we finally do leave California I am going to be sad missing all these family gatherings.  If you haven't noticed by now family is one of the most important things to me.  I love seeing the rest of the world but I do miss being close to family.

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