Friday, July 9, 2010

5 months

Things have been pretty calm and subdued here the last few weeks.  We have been doing our best to keep busy.  Last week was crazy.  I feel like we were running around all last week with the 4th of July celebrations going on.
Friday, the 2nd, the base put on it's "Summer Bash".  My sister and her family came up for a BBQ, some sno cones and some fireworks.  The sad thing is that I woke up with a headache and did my best to muscle through everything.  I ended up falling asleep on the couch for a little while so we got to the festivities about an hour later than I had hoped.
The show was really nice though.  They actually had a couple of rides for us, the tilt-a-whirl and a kiddie ride.  As much as my head was hurting and I hadn't eaten much I could not pass up the opportunity to ride on the tilt-a-whirl.  Of course, our car had to be the one that liked to spin the most.  Luckily we all made it through.  I felt a ton worse afterwards though.  Cody liked it after he got off, Wyatt absolutely hated it and started crying the second he stepped off.
The fireworks were spectacular and as usual they had an AWESOME grand finale.
It was also the day that Garrett turned 5 months old.  Really, how fast is this year going to go, it is crazy.  I got a few pictures of Garrett and all 3 of the boys before we left for the Bash. 
Here are a few:
This is my favorite picture of Garrett
This is one of the best of all 3 of them
I love how Garrett looks so scared
My little ham.
Wyatt got upset and decided he didn't want his picture taken
Look at those eyelashes
Garrett's favorite past time

This picture definitely shows off his playful side.
On the 4th I was pretty rattled because I was kinda left in charge of Primary and teach.  But thankfully it went smoothly and I am so glad to have it over with.
After church we headed to our friends house in California City for a BBQ and more fireworks.  The boys went in the pool and had a great time.  We also had our own special firework show as well as the cities fireworks.  The boys got to use sparklers for the first time in their lives.  Cody loved it so much that he said, "This is the best 4th of July I ever had".  It was so cute.
I wish I had brought the camera but I didn't.  I will have to get some pictures from our friends to show here.
I hope that things start picking up for us in a good way soon.  We had a crazy week this week but it is about over so I am excited to see what next week brings our way.
Oh man, I forgot one of the most important things.  I laid Garrett on the floor after eating his cereal hoping to get him to get some tummy time in.  The next thing I know he is rolling onto his back.  I was so excited.  I know he is behind the curve on that milestone to see him do it was so exciting.  I was a very proud momma.  But I am also very sad.  It is another milestone I will not get back.  I am glad to know he is my last but then there are times I selfishly want to hold him back so I can keep him a baby forever.  If I can ever figure out how to take video off my phone and onto the web I will post that video here.

We hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!!!

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