Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A little bit of sunshine

Yesterday we had just a bit of sunshine.  It was warm and after school ALL the kids from the neighborhood were out playing.
Our ward recently did a ward cookbook and one of those "recipes" included was sidewalk chalk paint.  Since it was nice out, I had the ingredients and Wyatt loves to paint I decided we needed to try this recipe out.  I just wish I had more corn starch to play some more.  It is/was easily cleaned up by the rain that started falling last night and is continuing as we speak I type.
Unfortunately the pictures are on my other computer.  If you want to see them, until I am able to add them later here, you can check out some of the pictures on my craft blog here.
I am such a dork.  Silly me, the pictures ARE on this computer.  So, if you want to check out my craft blog, feel free.  If not, here you go.
Wyatt has to be in all the pictures.  He was so excited to get started painted.  He loves to pain and couldnt understand why I kept telling him to put their watercolor paints away.
But he soon figured it out and wasted no time jumping in. 

I wanted to show you some of South Dakota weather.  I wish I had edited this picture just a bit differently but see how little blue sky there is?  This is the view from our front porch.

Look at all this blue sky.  This is the view from our porch if you trune 90 degrees to the left.

Of course when Cody got home from school and we discovered he had no homework he dug right in too.

Marshmallow break.  He is getting so big.  I don't know where the last 7 and a half years have gone.  I hope the next 7 1/2 and beyond goes by very, very slow.

All of the artwork in one picture.  I contributed with the "Welcome Home Daddy" (of course Jason didn't even see that) and a couple of flowers.

I wanted to include this as well.  After Jason got home from work Garrett was just waking up from his nap.  He wanted to play outside so badly with his brothers but they get too rough and I had a couple things to do inside while Jason got dinner ready so this was his solution.  He may not do some of the physical things he is supposed to do or have the amount of words in his vocabulary that he should BUT, he sure can solve a problem pretty easily.
Tomorrow I am going to attempt to post some pictures from a Girl's Night Out/Mother's Day/Birthday part that Jason forced me strongly suggested I to go to :D

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