Oh, the joys of pregnancy...
So today was what I thought was my last doctor's appointment before I get to see my baby. That may not be the case. I am excited and upset about it all at once. Today by exam the doctor says the head is still down, so that is the good news. I am excited to hear that because I do NOT want a c-section. The bad news is that I have not made ANY progress since last Tuesday. That upsets me because we went on a shopping spree in town last Saturday. I walked almost all day long. Sunday I felt like crap but did end up having about 3-4 hours and good contractions. So much so that I was beginning to wonder if we were going to make a trip to the hospital that night. Lo and behold, they stop and haven't really had anything since. I was hoping with all that I would have had some kind of change, but no such luck.Also, last Tuesday the doctor said that if we come in on Friday and the baby is head down then he will push for an induction and we will get to hold our baby on Friday no matter what. He has since changed his mind. I will be going on Friday morning to the doctor's office for an ultrasound. If the baby is still head down then I am to make an appointment for next week and we begin the waiting game until this baby decides to arrive. That wouldn't bother me either but if I haven't made any progress in a week how much time is it going to take to get this baby out?

I know this sucks to hear, but it really is better if you can go into labor naturally! But I SOOOOO feel you. This is the worst stage of pregnancy. I had a friend say once (about her teenagers) that the Lord makes them so ornery as teenagers that you're happy to have them out of the house! I think the same is true with pregnancy, the end sucks so much that you're just ready to get it out.