So Jason and I set out for our "hoping" last appointment to the OB's office on Tuesday. Once we finally get into the room he is already talking about when the c-section is. We asked a few questions and we are all getting on the same boat. I am happy with the doctor and what he is planning for the baby and I.We have a c-section date for January 29th at 10:30am. Not what we were hoping for but will be fine for us.So the doctor sets out to check the baby's heartbeat and feel around to see how the baby is doing. Well, he listens to the heartbeat and after feeling around he states that he thinks the baby has turned to a head down position. I am in shock and tell him that the movement hasn't changed and that I still have two seperate bulges on my belly which is supposed to be a sign of breech. He said he didn't care about the bulges just where the head is. So he decides to do an internal exam. Sure enough, the baby has flipped to head down position, wooohooo!!!I have also had some progression in preperation for the baby's arrival. Even more excitement from me.Then the doctor tells me that he still plans to keep the c-section date with the OR. The baby's head wasn't engaged in the birth canal yet so it may still flip (although I am hoping it is engaged now). He also said that if I do not go into labor than we will still meet at the hospital on the 29th at 10:30. We will do an ultrasound to see where the baby is and if it flipped again to breech then we will proceed with a c-section. If the baby has stayed head down than we will induce.I definitely have my last appointment with the doctor on Tuesday the 26th. That is unless I manage to go into labor before then. I cannot wait.

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