Friday, January 29, 2010

Good news

Today was the ultrasound to find out for sure, finally, if the baby is breech or head down; whether we were going to have a baby today or not.  I was so terrified and prayed all night last night and all morning on the way to the doctor's office that the baby was head down.
Thankfully the baby is head down and is sure to stay there now since we are so late in the game.  I am sure the baby doesn't have any room to move around anyway.
So, now we wait until the baby is ready to come.  I hope it is sooner rather than later.  I had a bit of a cleaning spree late this afternoon.  There is also a full moon sometime this weekend.  We shall see if there is any merit to the mumbo jumbo they say about full moons.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh, the joys of pregnancy...

So today was what I thought was my last doctor's appointment before I get to see my baby.  That may not be the case.  I am excited and upset about it all at once.  Today by exam the doctor says the head is still down, so that is the good news.  I am excited to hear that because I do NOT want a c-section. 
The bad news is that I have not made ANY progress since last Tuesday.  That upsets me because we went on a shopping spree in town last Saturday.  I walked almost all day long.  Sunday I felt like crap but did end up having about 3-4 hours and good contractions.  So much so that I was beginning to wonder if we were going to make a trip to the hospital that night.  Lo and behold, they stop and haven't really had anything since.  I was hoping with all that I would have had some kind of change, but no such luck.
Also, last Tuesday the doctor said that if we come in on Friday and the baby is head down then he will push for an induction and we will get to hold our baby on Friday no matter what.  He has since changed his mind.  I will be going on Friday morning to the doctor's office for an ultrasound.  If the baby is still head down then I am to make an appointment for next week and we begin the waiting game until this baby decides to arrive.  That wouldn't bother me either but if I haven't made any progress in a week how much time is it going to take to get this baby out?

Thursday, January 21, 2010


So Jason and I set out for our "hoping" last appointment to the OB's office on Tuesday.  Once we finally get into the room he is already talking about when the c-section is.  We asked a few questions and we are all getting on the same boat.  I am happy with the doctor and what he is planning for the baby and I.
We have a c-section date for January 29th at 10:30am.  Not what we were hoping for but will be fine for us.
So the doctor sets out to check the baby's heartbeat and feel around to see how the baby is doing.  Well, he listens to the heartbeat and after feeling around he states that he thinks the baby has turned to a head down position.  I am in shock and tell him that the movement hasn't changed and that I still have two seperate bulges on my belly which is supposed to be a sign of breech.  He said he didn't care about the bulges just where the head is.  So he decides to do an internal exam.  Sure enough, the baby has flipped to head down position, wooohooo!!!
I have also had some progression in preperation for the baby's arrival.  Even more excitement from me.
Then the doctor tells me that he still plans to keep the c-section date with the OR.  The baby's head wasn't engaged in the birth canal yet so it may still flip (although I am hoping it is engaged now).  He also said that if I do not go into labor than we will still meet at the hospital on the 29th at 10:30.  We will do an ultrasound to see where the baby is and if it flipped again to breech then we will proceed with a c-section.  If the baby has stayed head down than we will induce.
I definitely have my last appointment with the doctor on Tuesday the 26th.  That is unless I manage to go into labor before then.  I cannot wait.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Last few shots of preggo belly

Cody took this picture.  I am not standing crooked it is jus thow he was holding the camera.

I believe this one my 37 week picture.

So this is what is going on.  I have been to labor and delivery twice because of bleeding.  I finally got an ultrasound done last week, the 12th of January.  There is no explanation as to why I have been bleeding but they did see that the baby is breech.  I am not sure what kind, as there are three different types.  But what I thought was the babies behind near my belly button is actually it's head.  Today, the 19th Jason and I are heading to the doctor's for an appointment to find out what is going on.  The odd's are that we are going to have a c-section.  We are hoping to actually do it this Friday when I hit 38 weeks because of the unexplained bleeding and it will be beneficial for Jason for work (but that is not why I want to push it). 
I still do NOT want a c-section.  The birthing process is "easier" and quicker but the recovery time is a LOT longer than I want to deal with.  Besides, this is surgery and abdominal surgery at that.  I have had abdominal surgery to take out my appendix but I was like half the age I am now.  It took me a week to be able to stand up straight.  Can you imagine what it will be like taking care of 2 older boys, a house, a husband, and a newborn?  Okay, so I don't really have to take care of my husband.  Jason can definitely take care of himself.  Thankfully too he has 10 days permissive leave for paternity leave but since we are more than likely going to have surgery he might take a little more time off.  We shall see when we get more info at our doctor's appointment.  I will be updating when I can.

Wyatt's birthday party

We decided to do a simple party with family on the Sunday before Wyatt's birthday because his Nana was leaving to go back to Connecticut the day before his birthday and we wanted Nana to be included.

Since we had family and it was the holidays I really wanted to do family pictures.  This is the best we got.

Love Wyatt's face in this one.

I love that we were able to get one with Grandma. 

My homies

He was so excited to have this cake.  He had been wanting it since before Cody's birthday.

Christmas photos

I really need to get caught up on some posting.  Since we don't know how much longer I will have before baby arrives I figured better get some more done now.  So here is a bunch of pictures from Christmas morning/day at Tanya's house.

Nana got the boys shaving kits and they just had to shave right away.

Grandma and Grandpa had gotten Cody a shaving kit while we were still in Alaska but I lost the camera that had all those pictures on it.

This will be Wyatt's 4 year old pictures.  He hates taking pictures but we got this one and it is just so gosh darn cute.

What do you think?  Did Wyatt have fun with the wrapping paper?

I just had to put one of my Grandma Beadles in there.