Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Music is a rough sport

See this happy, handsome face.  He is so cute and I adore him.  I already bragged on him in the last post.  Just one thing though, do you see something that doesn't belong?

Yeah, gotta love that nice black eye and swollen eyelid.  Not to mention the big red dot just below his eye brow.
I was getting ready to take Garrett to his Physical Therapy appointment yesterday when I heard my phone ring.  I ignored it, thinking it was Jason, since I was otherwise indisposed.
When I was able to check the message I see it was from Cody's school.  With the issues we have had with Cody and school since we got here I was worried about what they could possibly be calling for.
I hear a woman's voice telling me her name and that Cody was in the nurse's office because he had an incident and bumped his head.  That worried me too because he had told Jason and I a few weeks ago that a couple of boys had pushed him and he fell to the ground and hurt his hands.  I called to see exactly what happened.  Believe me if this was the case again I was going to become Mama Bear and come down on someone for hurting my baby.  Instead I hear that they were in music class and him and another boy were headed for the drums, the other boy got there first and turned around and smacked Cody in the eye with the drum.  Now, when I say smack I don't mean that he did it on purpose, it was an accident, he didn't know that Cody was behind him.
When I talked to Cody he was very unhappy and I knew he wanted to go home but I also wanted him to stay at school.  The nurse assured me he was fine, he would have been even better but he saw the blood and freaked out.  He was given ice for swelling, sat in the office to relax for a bit and was given some Tylenol for the pain. 
When Cody arrived home you wouldn't have even known the incident occurred.  He was so happy and I had to ask him to see his eye.  I love how they bounce back so quickly.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 18th...

I posted some information about our day yesterday on my craft blog since I promised pictures and decided to link up to that post here.  I hope you like  :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New beginnings

I have been reading a is written so well and just beautiful with just as amazing if not better pictures.  She has really inspired be to do better and be better.  I am not saying that how I write and what I write about is going to automatically become so eloquent and the pictures are going to be magnificent...but I am going to work on it.
All of that to say I tried taking some pictures of my little man using the manual option instead of auto.  I am pretty pleased with how they turned out.  Of course, that may have something to do with the fact we were sitting in front of a window with beautiful blue skies outside.

I love how he is always grabbing his feet and moving them around. 

This is what he does most of the afternoon.  He so wants to get outside and play with all the big kids.  This makes me happy and sad at the same time.  I am so happy he is growing up and learning but I am sad because I know that soon enough he will be outside playing and the years I have him, to mold him, will be gone...

This picture is proof of his growth.  Last Monday he just stood up, no support and took a few steps.  Now, well, now he is walking across the room without help.  He is still wobbly and as Jason likes to put it...he looks like a drunk.  Before long I will be officially calling my baby a walker.  Oh, how I miss his baby days but look forward to finding out what each step is going to help him become.

I just have no heart grows with pride when I see this.

Today we got to visit Cody's school and see what he has been learning in music class.  He was so happy to show off his skills.  Granted he wasn't feeling very well, has a cough and upset stomach.  But when he saw us walk into the room, to see his Dad walk into the room...his grin grew about 10 times bigger.  I was so happy to see him smile and be happy if only for the 30 minutes that we got to see him.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Catching up...

First off I will start out with some fun festivities we had last weekend. Thankfully Jason did not have to work so with some of the guys Jason knows in his shop...we went to the middle of nowhere Rapid City and shot a bunch of guns. The older boys had a blast because they got to shoot their first "live" gun ever. It was my .22 Henry lever action. Cody is definitely hooked, Wyatt may need a bit more coaxing.

Before I show you the pictures of us shooting I want to show you some pictures of the boys playing.

This is the last picture we have of our precious cat Bear.  He passed a day or two after this picture was taken.

This is what Garrett did while we were out shooting.  Well, drinking, eating, crying and sleeping.

My .22 Henry lever action.  I love shooting .22's they are so fun.

Here is Jason with his rabbit killer.  .44 mag
I shot this one too but no pictures were taken.

Our view while shooting.  It really was a goreous area out in the Black Hills.

Sunday was a nice relaxing day as well.  We stayed home and watched General Conference on the computer.  I saw on a blog, which I will look for later, an idea to hopefully keep the boys interested in listening to the speakers.  I took 3 small buckets that I got at Hobby Lobby and put some candy in it.  Since I was doing this last minute I just took a sharpie and wrote a word on each bucket that I wanted the boys to listen for.  When one of the speakers said one of those words that got to grab candy out of that bucket. 

Wyatt is still begging me to watch Conference so he can have more candy.
I think sickness may be invading our house again.  Monday I woke up with a horrible migraine.  One that didn't allow me to keep any food down, including medicine, until late in the evening.  It started to subside so I thought I was in the clear until Tuesday rolled around.  My throat started hurting and I still had some residual pain from my headache.  Here it is Wednesday and my throat hurts pretty badly, my neck aches and my head has so much pressure it feels like it is going to explode.  I am going to go in tomorrow and see the doctor one way or the other.
To leave this post on a good note.  Garrett is doing amazing with walking.  I wouldn't call him a "walker" just yet but on Monday he started taking more and more steps and also started standing in the middle of the room without support.  If I am a betting woman I would say he will be walking by the end of the month.  We are so proud but also very scared to have yet another walking boy in the house.  My house is never going to be the same again  :)