Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Weekend

Memorial weekend ended up being a wonderful weekend filled with fun, friends and family.  Jason had Friday off so after dropping Cody off at school we headed into town to get a few things we needed for the rest of the weekends activities.
Saturday consisted of a BBQ with family and a nice young couple friend church.  I didn't get any pictures because I didn't think about it.
Sunday was church.
Monday we headed to Hesperia for a picnic at Hesperia Lakes, some fishing and then dinner at Tanya's house.  It was probably the best day of the whole weekend.
Unfortunately the fish weren't biting so no one caught a single fish.  But I am not sure it would have been worth catching a fish anyway.  There were several fish in the lake that were floating around already dead.
The boys had a blast though and Cody is becoming quite the fisherman.  I am so proud of him.
Okay, here is my usual photo reel.  I hope you enjoy.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wyoming in May

We took our first trip as a family of 5 last week.  We left for Wyoming on Cinco de Mayo and stayed until May 11th.  Of course a couple of those days were spent traveling there.  We stopped in Provo, Utah for the first and last night to break up all the driving.  All the boys did remarkable.  We have 2 already seasoned travelers and Garrett fit in so well.  He refused a bottle but was willing to wait for stops to eat and slept otherwise.  It was amazing.  We had such a great time.
Cody loved the idea of visiting a city that shared his name and visiting the Buffalo Bill Historical Center (BBHC) named after "him".  It was so cute.  He kept saying everytime he saw Buffalo Bill that it was a picture of him. 
We went at the time we did becuase the BBHC was having a big celebration about the wild west including music, stories about the wild west and so on.
We got snowed on quite a bit and it was a lot colder than we anticipated for May but the boys loved it.  Cody more than Wyatt.  Cody truely is an Alaskan.  Wyatt has been in California far too long for his young age to appreciate the snow.  Me, I missed it terribly and cannot wait to get back to a place that snows.  Of course, I am sure I will say something different when we get there and have to deal with the snow for long periods of time.
Here is my usual slide show:

This is when we stopped in Meeteetse, Wyoming.  We needed a potty break, Garrett needed to eat and there is an AWESOME chocolatier there as well.
This better be the only time we see the boys in jail.
This is the beautiful scenery in Cody, Wyoming.  It is the Buffalo Bill Dam.
Cody trying to stay warm in the cold hiding from the dam.
Wyatt was getting a little sick from the weather so he was in no mood to take pictures.
Just down from the dam.  Man, I would love to live being surrounded by this scenery.
My little show off.   He loved seeing this huge sign with his name on it.
All my boys in from of the Historical Center with Buffalo Bill.
Cody and Wyatt are in a beaver dam.
Look how cute those guys are.
Cody had to lay down with the beaver.
The boys needed to blow off some steam from the trip and walking around in stores they were not allowed to play in.
Yep, he is feeling better now and was having a photoshoot on this saddle.
Cody just being Cody.
How cute are all these guys?

My little beaner  : )

Our newest Cowboy that has no clue yet. 
What a meanie.

This is Buffalo Bills real boyhood house that was shipped from Iowa and stays in Cody.  It was locked up at the time.  Apparently they open it up during the peak season.
Cody with Buffalo Bill Cody.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

3 months

I don't have a whole lot of time to write because little man wants to eat but I did want to make sure and post some pictures.  These were taken on the 2nd of May, the day Garrett turned 3 months old.
I did want to say Happy Birthday to my late Father in law who would be celebrating his 91st birthday the same day that Garrett turned 3 months old.  We all miss you.
