Monday, March 22, 2010

Even babies embarrass you

Church was quite the event this Sunday.  I ended up with a slight headache but it wasn't bad so I knew I could wait until it was over to take care of it.  Then I remembered that there was a baptism after church that I felt obligated to stay for actually wanted to stay because she is such a sweet girl I get to help in primary.
What I didn't plan for was a very hungry Garrett.  He screamed his head off for half of the baptism because he was hungry (I would have fed him but I kept thinking it was almost over and I didn't have my cover with me anyway).  His screaming made my headache a migraine by the time it was all over with.  Thankfully some caffeine, excedrin and a hot shower/bath helped it very quickly.
But the embarrassing part really came in the last hour of church.  Some sweet girls from the Senior primary love Garrett and asked to hold him.  That is fine.  But they came to me and said he needed to be changed.  No problem.  Got him changed and cleaned up.  As soon as I walk back into the Primary room he dirted his pants again.  So, I go back to change his pants again and need to get the car keys from Jason.  Not a big deal but he is in Priesthood and the chapel.  I feel awkward enough walking into Priesthood but it was necessary.  Of course, as soon as I walk into the chapel Garrett starts tooting.  Being in a room full of males they started laughing and had several jokes.  Some of them even tried to blame me for the tooting.  Fun times, fun times I tell yeah.

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