Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just to update

I know it hasn't been that long since I posted but I wanted to give a bit of an update. 
A while back after all the boys (Jason, Cody and Wyatt) got haircuts we noticed a red dot on the back of Wyatt's neck.  I thought it may have been a blood blister he developed some how after the haircut so we left it alone.  Then we noticed it had grown.  Next thing we know it had popped and was bleeding like crazy.  It scared Cody and Wyatt both since they were playing when it happened.  This happened several times and grew back even bigger.  That is when I finally made an appointment with his pediatrician to get some idea of what it was and what we could do about it.  The pediatrician had no clue and actually said he had never seen anything like it.  So he decided to send in a referral for a dermatologist.
We finally got the referral and an appointment last Tuesday.  Unfortunately I was nursing Garrett so I wasn't able to go in and speak to the doctor.  Thankfully Jason was able to go to the appointment and dealt with the doctor.
The dermatologist knew immediately what the growth was and said he would take care of it right there in the office.  I guess Wyatt had to be laid on his stomach while Jason held him down.  The doctor numbed it, pinch it off and then cauterized it so it wouldn't bleed or grow back.  I never heard a cry out of Wyatt and Jason said he didn't cry and was very calm while all this was going on.
We are now having to clean it twice a day and keep it dry.  We will be going back to the dermatologist again in two weeks just to make sure all is still well with it.
Jason told me the dermatologist did say that the growth could come back but it is very unlikely.  I hope in Wyatt's case it doesn't come back.  Thankfully it is in a place where even if he scarred or it came back it isn't a big deal. The back of his neck isn't as noticeable as his face or anything else.
As for Cody, well, he will be starting T-ball again next month.  I got the paperwork to enroll him the day they started the enrollment but didn't make a sports physical appointment until that day.  This base is great, I called to make the appointment last month and won't be able to get in until next week, the 16th.  The last day to enroll him in t-ball is the 19th.  I am so glad that things move so quickly here (I am obviously being very sarcastic).  I truly hate this base and the way they choose to run things around here, but what can I do?
Jason may end up being Cody's coach again.  Only this time he will be the head honcho, #1 coach.  Cody's coach from last year will be TDY during T-ball season and has suggested Jason take her place.  He still isn't sure what is going on but does have a meeting I guess he is going to sometime soon.
Cody, I know, would love to have his Daddy as his coach this year.  Cody looks up to Jason and wants to be just like him.  I love that about our boys.
As for Garrett, he is growing, eating and pooping just like a 5 week old should be.  It was wonderful last night.  He didn't want to go to sleep so we let him cry it out a bit and fell asleep sometime after 11 (with a pacifier).  He didn't wake me up until just before 5am.  I am sure that he didn't get up before that because Jason would have definitely woke me up.  He fell asleep again at 5:30 and didn't wake up again until 7am when everyone else in the house (except me) was waking up for the day.
Me, I am here.  I am doing my best to juggle all the appointments and responsibilities that have come up in the last month.  I love having Garrett here and so happy to be a mommy of 3 boys.  Granted I wish my older two would be able to get along for longer than 5 minutes at a time or even eat a meal without an argument.  I would like it if Garrett would continue to sleep as well as he did last night and I wish a few other things were better but all in all, I love my life.  I am so blessed and happy to have the family that I have and couldn't have asked for anything better.
Wyatt finally has his 4 year old check-up at the end of this month and Garrett will be going to his 2 month check-up on the 7th of April so I will be updating with how much Garrett has grown.
Oh yeah, I also need to make an eye appointment for Cody.  He has develoed a nervous blinking thing lately and we are not sure what it is.  He has been complaining about headaches lately but I have chalked that up to him trying to copy me.  It usually is around the time I have had a headache that he is complaining.  But with the blinking thing I am just not sure.  I hope he doesn't need glasses, I know what it is like and do not want that for my kids.  If anything I am hoping it is dry eyes which makes sense.  We do live in the desert and the wind has been blowing a lot lately which blows the dirt around in the air.  With him being in school he has recess outside for a half hour so during that time he is getting sand and dirt in the eyes.
Who knew that having 3 kids would make for so many doctor's visits?  I certainly did not and hope that they are almost done so we can enjoy a bit more of our days.
Hope all is well with all of you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Melissa! Glad to hear the baby is doing well (along with the rest of your family). What a relief that the little bump didn't turn out to be anything too serious. I have been following your blog since you posted it on facebook, but I have been shy about commenting. Anyway, I recently started a new blog, if you would like to check it out!
    Take care!
